About the company
DC-Group was established in 1995 by a team of experienced construction engineers whose skills and professionalism made it possible for the company to integrate a wide range of activities, establish strong partnerships with Russian and foreign investors, businesses and organizations, and earn the reputation of one of Moscow’s best design and construction management companies.
DC-Group Today:
- Wide experience in organization and management of design and construction of various functionality projects
- A complete range of services for managing development projects – from site analysis to project commissioning, including Technical Client and construction supervision services
- Preinvestment analysis of construction projects (due diligence)
- International principles of business administration
- Wide and reliable connections in the professional community
- Successful cooperation with foreign partners

A-Class Office Complexes
- White Square, Moscow – 100,000 sq. m The Сomplex was certified under BREEAM sustainable building certification scheme
- White Gardens, Moscow – 95,000 sq. m
- Khodynka, Moscow (design stage) – 230,000 sq. m
- Iskra, Moscow (design stage) – 200,000 sq. m
- Shabolovka, Moscow (design stage) - 350,000 sq. m
- Pioneers, Moscow (design stage)- 420,000 sq. m
- Suschevka, hotel and office complex, Moscow (design stage) – 44,420 sq. m
- Multifunctional complex: Moscow, Kosygina str. 250 000 sq.m.
Multifunctional Complexes
- Retail Complex, Yaroslavl town – 40,000 sq. m
- Fifth Avenue Multifunctional Complex, Moscow – 50,000 sq. m
- Bibirevo Multifunctional Complex, Moscow – 25,000 sq. m
- Multifunctional Complex, Tver town – 22,000 sq. m
- IKEA Retail Complex, Moscow (design stage) – 180,000 sq. m
- Mosmart Hypermarket, Moscow – 17,000 sq. m
- Metropolis Multifunctional Complex, Moscow – 300,000 sq. m
- Manufaktura multifunctional retail and entertainment complex, Balashikha town, Moscow Region (concept design stage) – 110,000 sq. m
- Oruzheiny multifunctional office and retail complex, Moscow – 166,700 sq. m

Multifunctional walking distance community centers
- redevelopment program for cinemas located in different districts of Moscow to convert them into multifunctional walking distance community centers – 33 buildings, total area – 500,000 sq. m.
- Central House of Writers restaurant, Moscow
- Russkoye Bistro chain restaurants, Moscow
- Bagel Canadian restaurant, Moscow
- Santorini Greek restaurant, Moscow
Residential Complexes
- Viktorenko Residential Complex, Moscow (pre-design stage) - 250,000 sq. m
- Serpukhovsky Val, Residentail Complex, Moscow (pre-design stage) – 234,000 sq. m
- Vitebskaya Residential Complex, Moscow (design stage)- 219,800 sq. m
- Nikitskaya Premium-Class Residential Building, Moscow – 10,000 sq. m
- Tushino Multifunctional Complex including residential, public, business, shopping and social facilities, and sports and park areas, Moscow - 65 ha.

Other objects
- Avtoframos Moscow Renault Car Plant (design stage) – 115,000 sq. m
- Domodedovo Logistic Park, Moscow Region (design stage) - 740,000 sq. m
- Office and Industrial Complex "Pravdy str.", Moscow – 35,000 sq. m
- Office and Industrial Complex, Orel town - 45,000 sq. m
- Hotel "Nastasinsky lane", Moscow - 2,000 sq. m.
- Lisya Nora sports and recreational complex, Moscow Region - 82 ha
- City Clinical Hospital No.31, Building No.2, Moscow - 6,000 sq. m
123022, Moscow,
2nd Zvenigorodskaya str. 13, bldg. 42
+7 (495) 967-33-60
+7 (495) 981-33-59
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